Anvi Deepak Hinge Shines again in 12th National School Chess Championship .

Feb 10, 2024

Anvi Deepak Hinge, a young chess prodigy, has once again made headlines with her exceptional performance in the 12th National School Chess Championship. Competing against some of the best young chess players in the country, Anvi has proven her skills and determination, securing a 2nd Runners up position in the under 7 girls section . 

person sitting in a chair in front of a man

Her journey began at a very young age when she first discovered her passion for the game. With the support of her parents and the Guidence from Tactical Moves Chess Academy , she has been able to nurture her talent and develop her skills over the years.

The National School Chess Championship is an important event in the chess community, bringing together talented young players from all over the country. Total Record Breaking 913 players played in this Championship . This tournament was organised by All Bihar Chess Association held in Gyan Bhavan Patna . This year's tournament was no exception, with fierce competition and intense matches taking place over five days.

Anvi's performance in the championship was nothing short of outstanding. She displayed exceptional strategic thinking, tactical skills, and a deep understanding of the game. Anvi scored 7 points out of 9 rounds in the Under 7 Girls Section. Her ability to stay focused and make calculated moves even under pressure is what sets her apart from her competitors.

Throughout the tournament, Anvi showcased her versatility by adapting to different playing styles and opponents. Her determination and perseverance were evident in every match she played, never giving up and always finding a way to turn the game in her favor.

One of the key factors contributing to Anvi's success is her rigorous training routine. She spends hours studying different chess strategies, analyzing past games, and practicing with her Coach FIDE Instructor Pratik Mulay . This dedication and hard work have undoubtedly paid off, as she continues to achieve remarkable results in various chess competitions.

Aside from her remarkable skills on the chessboard, Anvi is also an inspiration to many young aspiring young kids from Elpro International School . She serves as a role model, demonstrating that age is not a barrier to success. Her achievements motivate others to pursue their passions and work towards their goals, regardless of any obstacles they may face.

As Anvi's journey in the world of chess continues, we can expect to see even greater accomplishments from this young prodigy. Her talent, dedication, and passion for the game are the perfect ingredients for a successful chess career.

Congratulations to Anvi Deepak Hinge on her outstanding performance in the 12th National School Chess Championship. We look forward to witnessing her future achievements and wish her all the best in her chess endeavors.